Connect with colleagues across the states! Represent your community! Be a Super HairO! We held our first annual TASB Cut-A-Thon for autism in 2011 with a total of 6 salons and 1 barbershop. Since then hundreds have joined our movement from across the states. We have extended our festivities from what use to be 24… Read more
Who are we?
The Association of Stylists and Barbers (TASB) is an elite group of stylists and barbers with big hearts and a passion for their craft. Our volunteers give their valuable time and professional skills to causes that are important to all of us. Make a change for the better and bring TASB to your community.

Today TASB volunteers are giving “Recognition with Style” to clients they know personally. Stylists & barbers will give 50% of their funds they raise to clients on the autism spectrum or in need in a way that touches their heart. It doesn’t get any better then this feel good feeling! Lisa’s Do & Dye… Read more
Time for a Toast! Here’s to TASB Volunteers! It’s my honor to recognize this incredible organization comprised of the most unique and talented stylists and barbers. I raise my glass to YOU!!! Thank you so much for making TASB what it has become today! Look who is gracing the pages of our latest issue of Recognition… Read more
Come on board The Association of Stylists & Barbers (TASB). Join the movement with your colleagues from across the states. Check out our social media to see how stylists and barbers are making a difference in their communities. Check out our CALENDAR OF EVENTS! Grow your skills by hanging out with your colleagues. You can never have to much knowledge…. Read more
Today TASB volunteers are giving “Recognition with Style” to clients they know personally. Stylists & barbers will give 50% of their funds they raise to clients on the autism spectrum or in need in a way that touches their heart. It doesn’t get any better then this feel good feeling! Lisa’s Do & Dye… Read more
Time for a Toast! Here’s to TASB Volunteers! It’s my honor to recognize this incredible organization comprised of the most unique and talented stylists and barbers. I raise my glass to YOU!!! Thank you so much for making TASB what it has become today! Look who is gracing the pages of our latest issue of Recognition… Read more

The purpose of TASB is to raise awareness, educate, build confidence, fundraise for charitable organizations, and give back to the community through the time and talent of professional stylists and barbers. We cut for good!

join us!
Click HERE to register as an official TASB member.